Dr Katherine Yost is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Washington. With well over 20 years of experience, she has a private practice in Bellevue located right off the 405, near the Botanical Garden. Dr Yost is a frequent speaker for professional groups and lay audiences. Her advice and opinions are often solicited by the media. She was on the faculty of Rutgers University and has taught for several other academic institutions, most recently for Antioch University Seattle. She served as President for the New Jersey Division of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and on the Board for the Washington Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. She is an AAMFT Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor.
Education: PhD in Interpersonal Communication, University of Southern California. Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy, USC.
License: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Washington.
Additional Credentials: Certified by Behavioral Therapy Training Institute, OCD Foundation, AAMFT Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor.